Playing Under The Lights Flag Football!
Youth Flag Football in Canton
ALL Girls Flag Football - Standard 3RD-8th Grade
Includes an Under Armour jersey. No Shorts. Divisions are separated by grade with the anticipated division grade structure being 3rd/5th and 6th/8th.
Co-ed Standard Flag Football - 1st-8th grade
Includes an Under Armour jersey and shorts. Divisions are separated by grade with the anticipated division grade structure being 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, and 7th/8th.
COED Regular Registration Pricing of $165
Pre K - K Registration $150
ALL GIRLS DIVISIONS Registration $150
Registration amount does not include credit card or processing fees
NOTE If we reach capacity before the published registration close date we will close registration early
****NOTE Pre K - Kindergarten Division****
Instructional and developmental division geared for our Pre-K/K athletes to be prepared for future play in our league. We will be progressing weekly on the fundamentals of catching, throwing, and flag pulling to eventually playing games with all athletes in this division. Our primary focus is to prepare these young athletes for competitive play.
Pre K and Kindergarten
Includes an Under Armour jersey. No shorts.
Pre-K and K players will play games together.
This division is different then all others as it is focused on development. There are no playoffs for the Pre-K/K division.